Status for: Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (MOD21)
Stage 2 validation has been achieved for the MYD21 Collection 6 LST&E products.
The MYD21 (MODIS-Aqua) Collection 6 (C6) LST&E products have been validated to Stage 2 status using a combination of Temperature and Radiance-based methods over a global set of sites in the USA, China, Spain, Portugal, and Southern Africa.
The results summarized in Table 1 and Figure 1 show that the MYD21 C6 LST products have an average root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.33 K with negligible bias and accuracies independent of land cover type. The heritage MYD11 C6 LST products have an average RMSE of 2.32 K and show large biases (3-5 K) over dryland regions due to an overestimation of emissivity in the longwave bands documented in several studies [Malakar et al., 2016; Li et al., 2020; Hulley and Cook, 2020]. The MYD21 C6 emissivity spectra had an average accuracy of 1.31% for all TIR bands (29, 31, 32) when compared to lab measured spectra at six pseudo-invariant sites shown in Figure 2.
The MOD21 (MODIS-Terra) LST&E products have yet be fully validated since they were affected by the band 29 crosstalk calibration issue apparent in C6, and were only produced up to 2005 as a result. This issue has been addressed in C6.1 with updated calibration coefficients and all MOD21 products are currently in reprocessing with expected release in Spring 2021.

for both products simultaneously, i.e. one to one validation comparison with in-situ data

Temperature-based and Radiance-based validation methods at two water, two vegetated, and six pseudo-invariant sand dunes sites in the U.SA [1, 6].

samples collected at six pseudo-invariant sand dune sites in the USA.
Details of MxD21 C6 LST&E validation practices can be found in the MxD21 ATBD here and in Malakar et al. 2016.
Product version: Collection 6.1
Title: Temperature-Based and Radiance-Based Validation of the Collection 6 MYD11 and MYD21 Land Surface Temperature Products Over Barren Surfaces in Northwestern China |
Author: Li, H., Li,R., Yang,Y., Cao,B., Bian,Z., Hu,T., Du,Y., Sun, L., and Liu, Q |
Source: IEEE, 2021, 59(2) |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: A Water Vapor Scaling Model for Improved Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Separation of MODIS Thermal Infrared Data, Remote Sensing of Environment |
Author: Malakar, N.K. and G. C. Hulley |
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 182, 252-264 |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: Test of the MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Separation Algorithm With Ground Measurements Over a Rice Paddy |
Author: Coll, C., Garcia-Santos, V., Niclos,R., and Caselle, V. |
Source: IEEE, 2016, 54 (5) |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: Thermal-based techniques for land cover change detection using a new dynamic MODIS multispectral emissivity product (MOD21) |
Author: Hulley, G., S. Veraverbeke, S. Hook |
Source: Rem. Sens. Environ, 140, p755-765 |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: Validation of remotely sensed surface temperature over an oak woodland landscape - The problem of viewing and illumination geometries |
Author: Ermida, S.L., Trigo, I. F., DaCamara, C. C., Gottsche, F. M., Olesen, F. S., and Hulley, G. |
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 148 (2014) 16-27 |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: Quantifying Uncertainties in Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Emissivity Retrievals from ASTER and MODIS Thermal Infrared Data |
Author: Hulley, G. C., T. Hughes, and S. J. Hook |
Source: J. Geophys. Res. Lett, 117, D23113, doi:10.1029/2012JD018506 |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: A radiance-based method for estimating uncertainties in the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) land surface temperature product |
Author: Hulley, G. C., and S. J. Hook |
Source: J. Geophys. Res. Lett, 117, D20117, doi:10.1029/2012JD019102 |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: MODIS MOD21 Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document |
Author: Hulley, G., Hook, S., and Hughes, C. |
Source: JPL Publication 12-17 |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: Generating Consistent Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Products Between ASTER and MODIS Data for Earth Science Research |
Author: Hulley, G. C., and S. J. Hook |
Source: IEEE Trans. Geos. Rem. Sens., DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2063034 |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: Validation of the North American ASTER Land Surface Emissivity Database (NAALSED) version 2.0 using pseudo-invariant sand dune site |
Author: Hulley, G. C., S. J. Hook, and A. M. Baldridge |
Source: Remote Sens. Environ, 113, 2224-2233 |
View Abstract and Access Publication |
Title: Intercomparison of Versions 4, 4.1 and 5 of the MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Products and Validation with Laboratory Measurements of Sand Samples from the Namib Desert, Namibia |
Author: Hulley, G.C., Hook, S.J. |
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (2009) 1313-1318 |
View Abstract and Access Publication |